Tag Archives: Hannukah

My Very First Dinner Party

I’m back!

There’s a very long story regarding my absence to be told in here somewhere, and I may get around to it eventually, but the short version is that I’m working on pulling my life back together and I’m hoping that getting back into regular blogging will be a part of that. I have plenty to write about since I’ve missed so much, so there should be enough to fuel my posts for at least a couple of weeks.

This post is super outdated because what I’m writing about happened like three weeks ago, but it was also super adult so I can’t leave it out! I hosted my very ownvery first, real life dinner party! With real life adults! Whoot!

Seriously, though. Boyfriend came to visit and helped me out with this a ton and as soon as my coworkers and their significant others left we just turned to each other like “man, we are SO adult!”

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